AQUATOOL's History

Aquatool is an environment for decision support systems (DSS) development that provides various tools to help solving many of the problems that may arise in the analysis of Water Resources Systems (WRS), especially from the point of view of their planning and management.

The first precedents of the Aquatool environment back to 1982, when the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (hereinafter DIHMA) developed the simulation module USOCON for watershed management (Andreu and Marco, 1983a ). This module allowed the definition of urban, industrial agricultural and hydroelectric demands, reservoirs, aquifers and river sections with leaks or hydraulic connection to an aquifer. Its application permitted obtaining information on reliability in the exploitation of water resources, determination of necessary infrastructure capabilities, evaluation of the influence of certain rules of operation and study of conjunctive use of surface and ground waters. This module allocated water according to predefined operating rules with certain calibration possibilities. It was applied to analyze the management of the Júcar-Turia Rivers system by the Planning Office at Jucar River Basin Agency (CHJ), the conjunctive use of surface and ground water at Douro River for the Geological Survey of Public Works (Andreu and Marco, 1983b), the conjunctive management of Guadalfeo River (DGOH, 1983), the management planning of Palencia River for the Department of Public Works, Transport and Urbanism from Generalitat Valenciana (DGOP, 1984).

In 1987 was developed the Optired module (Andreu, 1989), which allows finding the optimal solution of a generalized water resource allocation problem by generating a network flow and using linear programming algorithms. This module optimizes the monthly management for long time periods. This, together with an analysis of the results, allows the deduction of optimal operating rules for complex water resources systems. During this phase, Optiges was applied to the study of some subsystems of the Ebro River namely, Eugui, Estella and Guindano Rivers in Navarra (DOPTC, 1987), and Iregua in Logroño (CR, 1989) for reservoir dimensioning and introduction of new demands. Also at this time began the works for the analysis of the management in the Segura River basin, in which the great complexity of the system (Andreu and Chapel, 1993) with 19 aquifer units (10 of them connected to the surface system); 3 major subsystems for transport and distribution of surface water; 14 reservoirs; a water transfer from the Tagus River; intense indirect water reuse; a complex allocation of water use rights; and multiple urban, industrial, agricultural and hydroelectric demands with a total amount that exceeds renewable resources.

In such a complex case as the Segura River, the analysis of the optimal management is not enough for achieving sufficient order and clarity in the analysis of the system, it is necessary to use mathematical models combining both optimization and simulation (Johnson et al., 1991). This is why; to solve this case; was developed the basin management simulation module SGC (Andreu et al, 1989). Although developed for simulation, this model also includes conservative network flow optimization; however, unlike in the Optired model, it is formulated to address management in a single month. Another fundamental difference between the optimization and the simulation modules is that the latter requires the definition of the operation rules within the system. There are several types of operation rules included:

  • Target volume curves and reservoir zones.
  • Inter-reservoir relations.
  • Target minimum flows in channels.
  • Target demand supply.
  • Target flow for hydroelectricity production.
  • Relations between demands.
  • Relations between channels.
  • Relations between elements: pumping and artificial recharge.

In 1989 the SGC and Optired modules were used in the analysis of management of the Mijares river, including conjunctive use of surface and ground waters (CHJ, 1990). From 1990, new applications started to be developed to increase the possibilities of analysis and to facilitate the use of the models, which formed a larger DSS oriented to the analysis of management of WRS. This suite was called Aquatool (Andreu et al., 1991). This development includes several graphical user interfaces based in Microsoft Windows.

The first development for the Aquatool environment consisted in control units for the interactive edition of data and results for SimGes (based on SGC) and Optiges (based on Optired) models. This system allows the user:

  1. Creating and modifying the graphic configuration of a water resources system for either optimization (Optiwin module) or simulation (SIMWIN module). This includes the possibility to obtain a printed copy of the design.
  2. Entering and managing databases containing the physical characteristics of the different components of the designed schemes, and their management features.
  3. Performing a management optimization for a given alternative and time horizon using different hydrological data.
  4. Performing a management simulation for a given alternative and time horizon using different hydrological data and management rules.
  5. Obtaining the results of performed optimization and simulation runs in the form of a written report, either for the whole time horizon or summarized as mean values ​​and reliability indicators.
  6. Obtaining the results of performed optimization and simulation runs in the form of graphs either in monthly, total annual or mean annual scales.
  7. Obtaining the results of performed optimization and simulation runs stored in files that can be used as input to any specific postprocessor that is not included in Aquatool.

These capabilities can be used in a water resources system for:

  • Filtering different design alternatives using the optimization module.
  • Filtering diverse management alternatives using the optimization module by obtaining the operation criteria from the analysis of the results.
  • Checking and refining the alternatives filtered using the simulation model.
  • Conducting a sensitivity analysis comparing the results after changes in the design or operation rules.
  • Conducting risk analysis by performing simulations and/or optimizations with multiple equiprobable hydrological synthetic series.
  • Acquiring knowledge of the physical system and management, as well as improving data organization.
  • Using the model once an alternative is implemented as an aid in the operation of the water resources system (off-line), especially for resource sharing between conflicting demands, and studying impacts of changes in the system

In addition, this system is not specific to a particular watershed but is intended for general use; as it allows the representation of different configurations of water resources systems through graphic design and graphic data entry.

In 1993-1994 the SSD environment was applied in the Guadalquivir River system, with the aim of evaluating supply reliabilities for agricultural uses (CAPJA, 1984).

Shortly after began the design and development of the Aquival module (Andreu & Capilla, 1996) for aquifer preprocessing and simulation by the eigenvalues method (Andreu & Sahuquillo, 1987). This module allows the formulation of a distributed aquifer flow simulation model for its latter integration in model for the analysis of the conjunctive use of surface and ground waters. Later on were developed modules for data graphic edition and control and results visualization. This module is available for the SIMGES model.

In 1994 and 1995, the Planning Office at the Tagus River Basin Agency developed a DSS for simulation and optimization of the management of the Tagus River system using the Aquatool environment. The results of this work were used in the elaboration of their Basin Plan. The management analysis of the Tagus River basin also required developing new elements in previous modules and new analysis tools that were afterwards introduced in the Aquatool environment:

  • Channels with hydraulic limitations to management. These represent conductions connected to reservoirs whose maximum flow rate is determined by the relative water level between their entrance and their exit. They can be resembled to tunnels or pipes governed by gates or valves.
  • Conductions without management possibilities governed solely by hydraulic conditions. This would be the case of a tunnel between two reservoirs without gates, so that the flow depends only on the difference in elevation between one reservoir and the other, which also can be in both directions.
  • A module for economic calculations related to hydroelectric production.
  • Modules for transferring data from the database of the simulation to optimization and vice versa.

In 1995, also the Planning Office at the Jucar River Basin Agency (CHJ) began using the Aquatool environment. Models were developed for the subsystems Jucar, Turia (Pérez, 2000), Lower Marina (Gandia, 2001) and Mijares (Sopeña, 2002)*. During these works were designed and developed the module “Solver-SimGes” for calculating reserve curves (Lladosa, 2001) and other utilities for the definition of such curves in the simulation module.

At this time was developed the first prototype of the multiple simulation and optimization modules for risk assessment “SimRisk” and “OptiRisk” (initially called “SimMul” and “OptiMul”). Their initial applications focused on the analysis of the management of the Tajo-Segura water transfer (Andreu, 1994 and Solera, 1997) and the Segura River WRS (CHS, 1996). Unlike the previous modules, applied during the planning phase, these modules are intended for use during the management phase. The state of development of Aquatool at this stage was described in Andreu et al. (1996).

From 1996, the Aquatool environment was used by the Centre for Hydrographic Studies of CEDEX for analyzing the national unified water management. The results were used in the writing of the White Book of Water in Spain (MMA, 1999) and in the annex of hydrological systems analysis (MMA, 2001a) of the National Hydrological Plan.

Perfecting the SimRisk module lead to the design of a methodology for systems operation based on risk assessment (OSBER), which was presented in the thesis of Sonia T. Sanchez (1999). This methodology required the development of new analysis modules such as “Msimrisk” (Capillal et al. 1998) and “Learning”.

The development of OSBER also included modules to analyze multiple stochastic synthetic streamflow series (“Blue”), and to generate multiple conditioned synthetic series (“Generate”). These modules allow the calibration and use of multivariate ARMA models in the analysis of WRS management. Subsequently, these modules have been refined with the development of new models based on artificial neural networks (Ochoa-Ribera et al., 2002). A GUI was also developed to facilitate and guiding the users through the whole process. The general module that includes all the above processes was given the name MASHWIN.

In 2000 was created the Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA) at the UPV, and DIHMA researchers became part of the new IIAMA as the Group of Water Resources Engineering (GIRH) passing Aquatool to be the responsibility of IIAMA.

In 2000 at the Automated System of Hydrologic Information office (SAIH) of the Tagus River Basin (CHT), and in 2001 at the Exploitation office of the CHJ, began the installation of the Aquatool Environment with the aim of managing both systems under the basis of the OSBER methodology. This version of the DSS included all the s additional tools developed previously in the framework of the OSBER methodology, such as:

  • A module to update and validate streamflow series in natural regime “ActVal” (Andreu et al., 2002).
  • Modules for management analysis based in the OSBER method “Msimrisk” and “Learning”.
  • Modules for graphical analysis of the system’s risk situation.

As a consequence of the publication of the European Water Framework Directive (EWFD), several software development projects were started. These expanded the R&D lines with tools to support water planning and decision making such as water quality assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis of measures programs.

In 2004 was completed the first version of GESCAL, a module for water quality simulation associated to the management of the watershed. This module can optionally simulate degradation and oxidation processes, and nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, at all elements previously modeled with SIMGES. Therefore, it includes the simulation of mixing in nodes and quality variation in stretches of the river and in reservoirs. This process can be repeated for all the simulated time. This module was used to analyze the impact of alternatives to improve water quality in the lower Júcar River, and as an aid to facilitate dialogue in the decision making process to define environmental flows in the area.

At the same time, and under a similar philosophy, was developed the ECOGES module for the economic evaluation of the program of measures to be proposed within the context of the WFD.

From 2002, GIRH is involved with CHJ in negotiating with users and stakeholders in socially conflicting decisions such as the implementation of environmental flows and allocation of surpluses to non-right holders. In this process, Aquatool is used by all participants in the negotiations, awarding it sufficient credibility to be used as a mediation tool to test the feasibility and consequences of the proposals made by any participant at the basin.

During the drought of 2004-2007 Aquatool-SimRisk was used in the same way as a tool to outline and discuss alternatives for mitigating the effects of drought in the mid-term. It was proved its great usefulness as a mediation tool in the resolution of conflicts over water use.

By 2006, after meeting the needs raised by the DMA and in anticipation of the needs that will arise for the development of the new hydrological plans, was released a new user interface that replaces previous versions (SIMWIN and OPTIWIN). This new interface (AQUATOOLDMA) has a modular design, separating the different functions in separate independent modules, in order to facilitate their growth, and even allow other developers to create new applications that improve analysis capabilities and final product. AQUATOOLDMA moves all data and model results to databases (MS Access format) editable from other applications; also includes a GIS viewer that allows linking AQUATOOL elements with their equivalents in the GIS at the watershed agency, integrates handling all calculation modules into a single interface and editing design diagrams; allows integrating several working scenarios within the same project; and allows setting links with any other application used in the daily operation of the DSS.

Also in 2006, beginning the works for developing the new water plans, the GIRH started collaborating with the Hydrologic Planning Office from the Douro River Basin (CHD). The CHD provided a new approach in the design of DSS for planning that involved the detailed definition of all the elements of the basin (water uses, infrastructures, sub-basins, etc). This leads to very detailed models which hinder the understanding of the results of the calculation models, while requiring a large number of working hours to review and edit the data. These conditions stimulated the design of new tools to facilitate working with systems with a large number of elements that are impossible to understand by individual observation. Various tools were developed for purposes such as: obtaining results summaries and aggregate balances at any scale automatically; automatic launching of multiple scenarios by only introducing the differences between them; integrations of results summaries into a spreadsheet calculation; and the design of summary reports that are automatically completed.

Also with the beginning of the works for developing the new watershed management plans, the Ministry of Environment, through the company TRAGSATEC, hired the services of GIRH to provide scientific training and technical support to all Hydrologic Planning Offices and private companies involved in the development of inter-communitarian basin management plans. This enables the new modules and working methods developed can be transferred to other river basins.

In 2008, with the first results of the studies for the determination of environmental flows in Spanish rivers, it was necessary to analyze the effect of their implementation on the system’s management and vice versa. To improve this works was developed the module “CAUDECO”. It allows using habitat functions calculated in different sections and comparing them with the results derived from flow simulation scenarios to improve information on the analysis of the effectiveness of alternatives. In the case of the Douro River this module was used in the automatic simulation module of multiple scenarios to obtain the efficiency functions of the different alternatives for minimum flows definition and other management design parameters.

AQUATOOL has also been used occasionally in the treatment of unique issues that required daily scale simulation. Although its use at this scale was effective, it was not easy. Therefore, a new project has started to develop a new simulation model that allows studying the system management at any time-scale. This will allow the study of other problems for which the monthly scale does not qualify such as optimizing hydropower production or analyzing the management of systems with an operation scale below the month.