Courses with AQUATOOL

The Water Resources Engineering Research group has provided training courses in “Analysis and Modeling of Water Resources Systems Management with AQUATOOL software”. These courses offer basic training in the use of models described here and also provide theoretical concepts that are necessary for river basin management analysis.

Upcoming courses:

5th Edition: “ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS WITH AQUATOOL SOFTWARE” course is recommended for professionals who want to start in water resources river basin planning and management. An equivalent university degree level is recommended, with advanced knowledge of surface and groundwater hydrology. It is also desirable to have knowledge of office computer software.


Completed courses:

“ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS WITH AQUATOOL SOFTWARE” Online. During the months of September and October 2014 and 2015, July 2018 and May 2023, the online training courses held the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions. This course is recommended for professionals who want to start or specialize in water resources river basin planning and management. An equivalent university degree level is recommended, with advanced knowledge of surface and groundwater hydrology. It is also desirable to have knowledge of office computer software.

On June 19th and 20th, 2013 the course “Holistic Modeling of water resources systems with AQUATOOL software” was organized in conjunction with the International Conference on Decision Support Systems in Water Resources Planning and Management. Several modules of AQUATOOL DSS were used as SimGes, GesCal, Caudeco, EvalHid, OptiGes and SimRisk.